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About Us

secluded off a country road

Hummingbird Haven is often used as a place to rest on a journey, but also as a place to heal, to reflect, to study, to create and a place to celebrate life with loved ones. Honeymooners return on anniversaries, families enjoy holidays here and friends meet here to renew relationships. The cabin is yours alone to enjoy.

Let us take you back in time to a simpler era where technology takes a backseat to the beauty of nature. Enjoy the peace and quiet, undisturbed by the distractions of TVs and internet. While cell phones may not work within the cabin, you can still stay connected at the end of the driveway. There are nearby establishments offering free Wi-Fi if you feel the need. For emergencies, our landline is available.

It is a quiet place, except for the the rich sounds of nature. Over 40 different species of birds frequent the haven.

The cabin was built in 1952 by a fellow named Squeamy Womack.

(Can't you just hear his mother saying, "Squeamy Alexander, you get in here right now and clean up your room!") Squeamy was an accomplished builder for the cabin survived the tornado of 2008. 

We love this place, the serenity that comes with simplicity and nature. We invite you to share it with us. We enjoy our guests and are available for as much or as little interaction as you like.

We also have a dog with a big bark. Her name is Patches and she's friendly, but could be skittish with you at first.

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